Cleaning Glass
Cleaning glass regularly is essential to protect windows from a build up of debris and dirt. The U-value of low e-glass can be effected if dirt is not cleaned off. This can lead to higher heating bills. High performance glazing will benefit from modern cleaning methods and we have formulated a system that is efficient, thorough and also gentle on the surface of the glass. The materials we use include premium quality microfiber, smart water, eco detergent, and swivel headed sqeegees with microfiber pads attached.
Our system is suitable for Standard single, double or triple glazing, Pilkington K Glass, Saint Gobain Planitherm glass, leaded and vintage glass, inerior glass and mirrors. In fact we are able to clean the majority of glass in homes and work places. We are expert at gaining access to high windows, roof windows and roof lantern windows. We are also expert in cleaning Bi fold doors on the inside as well as the outside, this allows maximum sunlight to flood into a room.
People tend to spend a great deal of time indoors, around 60% of that time can be at home. Clean windows can have a significant impact on our comfort and wellbeing. If you would like us to clean your windows contact Kevin on 07757499296 for an instant quote.