Gopro action camera
Hi level faults are able to be relayed to you via gopro action camera. On most occasions we can get to your blocked gutter by ladder and see the problem. We can then film or take still photographs of the gutter or outlet and show you what has to be done. We can also extend he camera on a pole to get around the roof line, getting to areas that are impossible to reach any in other way. We can email you the footage if you need to consult with neighbours or need evidence for insurance.

The camera is waterproof and can be used in all weathers. This is useful because if we are investigating a problem in wet conditions we can still take pictures to see what’s going on. Gutter blockages can lead to watter getting into the property. It is often a cheap fix if a blocked gutter is to blame. We normally call round soon after you contact us. If you give a brief description we can bring suitable equipment and materials to fix the problem on the spot. In that case time spent on site can be considerably reduced saving you money. All in all the Gopro action camera is a very handy tool to have in the box.